A simple to tie and yet effective SnowRunner pattern that have been successfully hooked some Taimen and Sailfish
Materials List :
Semperfli Nano Silk 6/0
Deer Creek UV fine flex resin and Gator eye
Palm Chenille and Straggle String
Large lateral line
Mega tube and silicon sleeve
ICE UV dubbing /shiner
Deer Creek UV fine flex resin and Gator eye
Palm Chenille and Straggle String
Large lateral line
Mega tube and silicon sleeve
ICE UV dubbing /shiner
Step by step tying instruction:
Tie in some Red Straggle String from Semperfli
Wind in some pearl Palm Chenille
Tie in the SnowRunner fibers
Fold the fiber over, add some UV shiner
Tie in the Second colour SnowRunner fibers with some topping of UV shiner
Tie in the 3rd SnowRunner colour
Tie in the 4th colour and some white as belly
Fold all the fibers back
Shape the head with some thin UV flex resin from Deer Creek
Use markers to highlight
Drop a drop of epoxy and stick on the Gator eye
Cheers and Happy tying
By playing with different colour of SnowRunner fibers.. you can create many streamer or baitfish pattern that suit your fishing..
This one caught a Taimen.. imitate a Lenok or grayling colour