Hook – Gamakatsu S11-4L size 8
Tail – Indian Cock Saddler
Belly – Uni Floss Br. Yellow, Tan Chenille
Fin – Yellow Grizzly Hackle
Eye – Bead Chain
Body – SLF D. Whitlock Dubbing
Step by step tying instruction
Tie in the Br. Yellow floss
Tie in the Tan chenille
Tie in a pair of Indian Cock saddler as tail
Spin the yellow grizzly hackle and tying the hackle fiber towards the tail
Trim the top and bottom fiber, leave side as fins
Tie in the bead chain
Using dubbing loop and dub in the dubs to create the body, rap around the eye and whip finish
Trim dub fiber below and expose the belly
Complete and ready to fish