Frequently Viewed
Leechy Minnow
Material List :
Gamakatsu – S11 4L size 4 and 2
Rabbit Zonker – Blood Red
PRISM pearl dub
read dumbbell eye
Nano Silk 6/0 – Red
Lateral flash – small

Step by step tying instruction:

Prepare the thread base
 Tie in the Dumbbell eye 2/3 from the hook eye


 Cut a piece of Rabbit zonker


 Hook through the zonker and tie down


 Tie in some Pearl dub


 Cut some zonker fiber and tie down on the top


 Repeat the same step tying the pearl bud and zonker fiber


 Tie in the lateral flash


Whip finish and drop and coat with Diamond fine
Cheers and Happy Tying

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