Foam Hopper V2
Hook – Gamakatsu B10S size 6
Body – 2mm Thick Close cell foam
Eye – Loon Hard Head
Legs – Green Pheasant Tail knob legs, Rubber Legs
Antenna- Pheasant Tail fiber
Wing – Flashabou, Elk Hair, Tape wing
Thorax – 1mm thick close cell foam
Belly – Dubbing
Step by step tying instructions:
Tie the foam to a needle to create the hopper’s abdomen
Tie down the bottom portion of the abdomen
Tie down the top portion of abdomen
Tie the abdomen to the hook and continue tying the bottom portion of abdomen
Tie down the top portion of abdomen, keep some space for the head and colour the abdomen with marker
Fold the head over the hook eye, tie down and fold it over again to the top, tie down
Pull in the antenna using a needle, tie down. Tie in the flashabou
Tie in the Elk hair and the Pheasant tail knob legs
Tie in the rubber legs, dubbing to split the legs, tie down the rest of the 2mm foam
Tie in the tape wing and a 1mm thks close cell foam
Finish the thorax and trim the foam, colour the thorax with marker, drop a small drop of black Loon hard head as eye
Hopper is ready to fish