Spent Wings Foam Damselfly
Tail / abdomen – Cylinder Foam
Wings – Dun Rooster Neck heckle
Legs – Pheasant tail fibers
Thorax – 2mm thick foam
Eye – Loon Hard Head
Dubbing to split the wings and legs
Hook – B10S size 8
Step by step tying instructions:
Tie in the abdomen
Tie in the 2mm thick foam and dub the to cover the tied foam area, colour the dub with marker
Tie down the foam to the hook and fold the foam to create the eye, trim the foam
Tie the eye in figure 8 method
Tie another pcs of foam and tie in 2 pairs of hackle
Tie in the Pheasant tail fiber
Spread the wings with dubbing
Tie down the foam
Trim the foam, colour the thorax and drop Loon Hard Head as the eye
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