Foam Cricket
Years ago, I was tying realistic fishable Cricket X pattern, many friends been asking for a simple, effective and durable cricket pattern that can be tie in less than 5 minutes.
especially for fishing Pacu where we lost the flies almost every bite.
In this pattern, and also all my terrestrial pattern… I have put in a piece of toothpick, to give it a good grip on the hook and foam… this will minimized the fly twisting around the hook.
It also maximized the gap of the hook.
Material List:
5mm thick close cell foam
Extra thin close cell foam sheet
Bamboo Toothpick
Rubber leg
Pheasant tail fiber
Step by step picture tying instructions:
Prepare the thread base
Cut a piece of Bamboo toothpick same length with the hook shank, tie it in
Prepare the foam body as per picture
Tie down the foam body sitting on top the toothpick
Tie in the legs
Tie in the legs
Tie in the wing
Use needle to bring the Pheasant tail fiber in as the antenna
Tie in the Thorax ( I like to use Yellow, for better visibility )
Notice the gap of the hook, and the foam body is flush with the shank
View from bellow
Drop some black cement as eye… and it’s complete
Cheers and Happy tying