Frequently Viewed

Dengkis Baitfish



Material List:
Pearl UV dubbing
Semperfli Predator Fiber
3D eye
Gamakatsu SC15 size 1 – 2
UV resin
Step by step picture tying instruction:
Prepare the thread and tie in some mixture of Predator fiber and Pearl UV dubbing


Tie some Pearl UV dubbing and fold back


Tie in some Predator Fibers , 2 on top and1 at the bottom


Add in some UV dubbing


Fold all the fibers and tie down


Top up some yellowish, brownish fibers, put in the lateral flash if you want (optional )


Some UV dubbing at the bottom


Fold all fibers to the back and tie down


Trim the fibers


Put on the 3Deye


Coat the head with UV resin



Cheers and Happy tying

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