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Cuban Shrimp
This is a very simple and yet effective shrimp pattern that I developed in 2009. specially for Maldives and Cuba… My Mentor and friend Mr Hans Van Klinken and his wife have successfully hook up many Cuban bonefish with this pattern, in the wonderful fishing experience with Avalon.
For your reference, some flies that Hans was using in Cuba :
The flies that I send over
The flies after the fishing… totally destroyed by the bones
The Bonefish with the flies
The materials:
Bead eye or mono eye
Bead chain
Pink, light sulp orange dubbing
Coyote hair
Chenille – Tan colour
Rubber legs
Gamakatsu or Daiichi New O’Shaughnessy hook size 8-6
The step by step tying instructions:
Put in the hook and prepare the thread
Tie in the bead chain
Tie in the flashabou
Tie in the dubbing, mix of Pink and orange dub
Tie in the eye ( I use Pink bead with mono line )
Tie in the chenille
Tie in the rubber legs
Spin the chenille to split the legs, tie down the chenille
Tie in the Coyote hair
Spin the chenille until the bead chain, tie down, trim the Coyote hair
Whip finish, drop a small drop of Zap a gap to secure the tie.
The Cuban Shrimp is ready
Good luck and have fun fishing with the shrimp.

About The Author

0 thoughts on “Cuban Shrimp

  1. A truly great fly, had great sport in Cuba 2014 and 2015 when other guys blanked this fly kept us in the game, will use again in 2016. Big thanks.

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