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‘HiddenBell’ tied in Natural Fur mix with some UV dubbing
‘HiddenBell’ tied with Synthetic Fur and narural Fur
Was tying the Zonker streamer and moving into a bigger streamer pattern for my trip to Mongolia next month… i need a streamer pattern that will swim well, lots of movement, light and very importantly sink fast and still have a very prominent eye profile.
2 option that I have, either put in a lot of lead wire or add in a weight on the hook, so this is what happen when I have a dumbbell eye plus a big resin eye stick on.
Material list :
Dumbbell eye
Resin eye
Epoxy and UV resin
Mono 40lbs
B10S size 1 and 2/0
Semperfli Synthetic Fur + Streamer hair
Semperfli UV dubbing
Nono Silk
Step by step tying instruction
 Prepare the thread base


 Tie on some streamer hair


 Then tie in some Synthetic Fur
 Fold the Fur back, tie down and add in some UV dubbing


 Add in some olive fur ( or any color to create the a darker shade of body )
 Cover it with Synthetic fur
The tail portion is now complete.
Next will be the body section
 Cut a tube about 1.5cm, burn both end and prepare the thread base
 Repeat and tying in the fur just like the tail
  Repeat and tying in the fur just like the tail
   Repeat and tying in the fur just like the tail
after finish tying 2-3 tube body, insert the body thru a mono
1st section tube in
second section tube in
 Now prepare the hook for the head portion
 Attach the body section to the hook
 Tie down the mono and seal it with some epoxy
 Tie in some fur, always use the fold back technique
Repeat with different colour of fur
 Stack in the Synthetic fur
 Add in some pink if you wish
 Tie in the final volume of fur
 Fold back the fur and coat it lightly with some UV resin
Now, stick on the eye…always use 5min epoxy to stick your resin eye
Highlight with some marker
Cheers… happy tying

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0 thoughts on “Articulated Baitfish – ‘HiddenBell’

  1. Hmmm… I have not yet come to this problem.. the beads are just a spacer, it supposed to be place loosely in between any insert, try not to pack them too tight.

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